
KPIs Key Performance Indicators

  KPIs  Key Performance Indicators    Is an indicator that allows you to evaluate How efficient is your Company. Must be linked to an objective or Goal. Some steps to define your KPIs for the dashboard: Clear about what is measuring and a goal. Must have an owner. Readable format   A good KPI contains Time, Volume, Units, target, historical data if applicable, or any other critical for your company. Allow to compare, detect and prevent unlike variations out of the company goals.   Example : If the objective for FY2022 is to duplicate the sales in comparison to the previous year, you can add a goal line, actual and historical sales in a period of time. Having an owner is critical. One person at the organization will be responsible to update (Daily, weekly, or as needed). The KPI must push to migrate from point A to point B, increase sales, reduce hits, reduce customer impacts, etc. this information must be always ready to share better if ...


Hi to all team,  let's have a short description of keywords about logistics. CONTAINER: Metallic recipes with standard types and dimensions to move merchandise long distances could be moved by train, truck, or boat. Over these days we are looking for the best options available to transport with Shipper cost, Fast, and safe. We need to have a general idea about key points as: Types, Dimensions, capacity, how to be efficient at the best cost!! Let’s start with the most common ones: 40 Ft container 20Ft container 53 ft trailer box 48 ft dry box. For all of these apply: FCL Full container load : Only your merchandise will be inside.  LCL Less than container load: You are sharing the freight with others. When you are creating packing is more about protection, the packaging and final box are more about the design, considering these are supposed to fit into a pallet. Pallets: Pallets make easier the truck/container load are in two official dimensions:     ...

How to mitigate supply chain disruptions with a minimum investment!!

Welcome to my blog, I would like to share some free actions that you can implement at your company or business today in order to mitigate as much as possible impacts to your daily operations. All of the below notes work perfectly with my customers! the interesting thing is that you don´t need to spend, for sure you already have it!    FACTS: Rising Consumer Demand / Supply shortages at all levels / Global economic concerns / Global Supply Chain disruptions.   SOLUTION OPTIONS:   1.        Predictive - Analytics tools :  Every company’s daily basis generates valuable information such as inventory, sales, suppliers, prices, cost, customers, new designs, rates, etc. that represents a big opportunity for the solution. a.        If you already have data but your company is not using it,  change your mind ASAP. b.        If you don´t have it; never is too late!! Let’...